Sunday, January 18, 2009

Peaches. For for me.

When I was about two years old I remember, and yes I do remember, walking around our backyard in my diaper. There I would sit down in the cool mud, under the shade of a peach tree, and eat juicy rotten peaches from the ground. They were delicious! And while today I prefer the fresh one from the tree, still love peaches!

So with the end of winter upon us (can you believe, it already?!) Dave and I planted a peach tree in our backyard.

Dave was a great hole digger.

We both enjoyed tucking it in the making the well.


bdrain said...

You weren't always in just a diaper; you ruined many clothes by getting rotten peach juice stains on them. May you have many blossom and peaches on your new tree.
PS. If you need help pruning and thinning your tree, Grandpa Long taught me how.

Me said...

End of winter?!
hahahahahahaha... Sorry, church was cancelled yesterday for the second time in a row, and we got another foot of snow last night, so, you can see my amusement.

How are you guys doing?

Angela said...

hi Raquel and Dave! It's angela shupe (mcculloch).. i found you on melissa's blog.. how are you guys? You're so great! I miss you!!!

Jennica and Mitch said...

Hey Raquel! I found your blog on Kayla's. You look like you are so happy and doing well!